Explore the beautiful Prangli Island with a sailing boat
The Prangli island emerged from the sea 3 500 years ago and offers a unique natural landscape with pine forests, stony beaches and sandy landscapes that suits well for hikers. The first inhabitants of the island where Swedes, while Estonians started to populate the island only in 17th century. During the years 1847–1899 the island was administered by French origin noble family Girard de Soucanton. In year 1848 they built a chapel to the island.
Here you can get a guided tour on an old military truck, which takes you everywhere on the island from the northwest lighthouse to the southeast lighthouse, including a museum visit.
In summer time it is possible to witness mist which formed as a result of steaming warm sea. While during winter you could see fog – a phenomenon where the sky is darker above iceless sea and lighter above areas under ice. Sailing to this island is recommended to book a yacht for 1 - 2 days.